Repurpose Your Purpose
Repurpose Your Purpose: The Podcast
Episode Twelve: What I Have Learned About Changing Careers

Episode Twelve: What I Have Learned About Changing Careers

A solo podcast episode on my Framework for Career Change

New week, new Repurpose Your Purpose Podcast episode.
Today I recorded a spontaneous talk (no rehearsing and just one take) on what I have learned about changing careers.

Psst: listen even if you are not a career changer, what I share is applicable to all sorts of change.

Over the years I talked to many people who feel stuck in their professional lives, but don’t know what they want to do next and working with career changers, I developed (and continue to deepen) an understanding of how you can shift from a state of professional stuckness, disempowerment, and dissatisfaction to creating or discovering what’s next for you.

In this episode of The Repurpose Your Purpose Podcast, I share what the process is like. As I often say, changing careers is both an extremely common and very unique experience; it’s not about knowing the theory, it’s about really doing the inner work and taking action in real life.

This episode is best listened with a relaxed and open state of mind. Consider listening to it more than once, and welcome whatever comes to you - including nothing at all :D

If you feel like it, reach out, I would love to hear if something resonated with you or if you have questions or comments.

A few resources you might enjoy:

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Repurpose Your Purpose
Repurpose Your Purpose: The Podcast
Conversations and inspiration about doing work you love and what makes it possible.
I invite people from all walks of life and a wide range of experiences to explore anything and everything to inspire you to Repurpose Your Purpose, from inner transformation, to powerful action.